As the youngest children of the school we learn best through play, by exploring our environment using our senses. In Nursery, we initially focus on three main areas; communication and language, physical development and personal social and emotional development.
As the youngest children of the school we learn best through play, by exploring our environment using our senses. In Nursery, we initially focus on three main areas; communication and language, physical development and personal social and emotional development.
As the youngest children of the school we learn best through play, by exploring our environment using our senses. In Nursery, we initially focus on three main areas; communication and language, physical development and personal social and emotional development.
These three areas are the basis of our learning. By developing in these areas, we lay the foundations for children’s success in all other areas of learning.
In Autumn, we go on a journey of self-discovery, where we learn all about ourselves and people around us. We understand what makes us the same and what makes us unique. We do a range of exciting activities, including painting self-portraits, sharing family photos and learning about different parts of our bodies. We then begin to discover what we are interested in, by exploring the different areas of our classroom. This term is really important for Nursery, as we learn to understand each other’s backgrounds and start to build positive relationships with one another.
Towards the end of Autumn, we look at celebrations throughout the world by celebrating different beliefs and cultural diversity. We learn about a range of festivals such as Diwali, Eid, birthdays and Christmas. Celebrating such memorable festivals gives children meaningful and memorable experiences that they will look back on.
In Spring, we try a range of foods from around the globe as we start our new topic called ‘Tastes of the World!’ The children learn about the five senses and begin to understand and appreciate where their food comes from. We learning about the process of shopping and cooking and grow our own vegetables. We make chapattis based on our Diwali celebration. We also bake bread just like the Little Red Hen and try a range of exotic fruits from our story, Handa’s Surprise. We are always looking for parents who may be able to come in and help us do some cooking with the children .
In Summer, our topic is called ‘Animal Fun!’ This is an exciting term for us in Nursery as we learn about animals from around the world. We use geography to look at different groups of animals and their habitats, as well as learning about behaviours and how they survive in the wild.
At the end of summer we learned about farm animals. We look at the life cycle of a chicken and sometimes have been able to watch as baby eggs hatch in our nursery.