At Springfield we have a range of extended school provision both before and after hours.
We run breakfast club every morning from 7.45am offering a healthy breakfast along with activities, games, art & crafts and sports. Please see here for more information on our breakfast club.
After school, we run an exciting range of clubs for children from Reception to Year 6. To get an idea of what we offer, please take a look at our letter regarding the links between Extra Curricular Clubs and Wellbeing to get an idea of our offer.
Clubs change on a termly basis to provide children with a variety of new experiences and opportunities, including: Forest School, cooking, sports competitions, cycling, languages, street dance, karate, homework support, art, fencing, gardening, yoga and music.
To ensure that our club offer is accessible to all families in our community, we will consider all applications for a place. We are committed to making sure that our extra-curricular enrichment is enjoyed equally by children regardless of their age, sex, disability, ethnicity and financial situation. Places for each club are limited and will be allocated fairly considering these criteria. We ask you to kindly make sure that any payments due are received for these clubs in advance, through ParentPay. For more information, please speak to the school office. Clubs are charged to make them sustainable to operate, however we ask that parents who may need support in this area to contact to school. FSM children receive one free club per week.
We also provide an after school care club, which runs from 3.30pm until 6pm every day. The club provides children with various activities; drawing, writing, making models, sports, team games which change regularly. The children are also provided with a healthy snack and have access to fruit throughout the club. Spaces are limited for this club, so if you wish to apply please ask for an application form in the school office. The club costs £8 daily and parents may sign up for as many days as they wish, though we do ask for two week notice period for any cancellations.
To apply, please download the application form here and bring it to the school office.