Morning school starts at 8.55am and children must be lined up in the playground at this time. This helps towards a settled start at the beginning of the day and ensures that lessons start promptly. Punctual arrival in the mornings helps children value punctuality, and avoids disruption for the rest of the class. There is an assembly each morning – your child will have special Class Assembly throughout the year which you will be invited to attend.
EYFS & Key Stage 1 have lunch from 12:00 – 1:00pm. Key Stage 2 is from 12:45 – 1:45.
The school day ends at 3.30pm. Parents should wait in the playground to collect their child.
You must call the school if your child is too unwell to attend school. To report your child as absent, please call the office on 020 8800 9007 or visit the office in person. If your child is absent for more than one day, please remember to phone the office each morning.
Children’s attendance is monitored carefully and the school works with the Local Authority Educational Welfare Officer and families when there are concerns about attendance.
If your child is going to be late please phone the school office, on 020 8800 9007, before 9.00am. It is particularly important that you phone school if your child walks to school by themselves and they are going to be late. If children arrive after 9.00am, they must report to the office where they will be marked in as late and their time of arrival noted. This is for safeguarding and health & safety reasons.
If children arrive after 9.30am without an authorised reason, the morning session is counted as an unauthorised absence. If a child is not registered as being in school and we have not received a phone call from an authorised family member before 9.30am the parent/carer will receive a phone call from our Attendance Officer.
We are unable to provide supervision (for children not in the breakfast club) before 8.55 am or after 3.45pm, and the school cannot accept any responsibility for children who are on the premises outside these times if they are not required to be.
Holidays during term time are not granted in any circumstances. If you do need to remove your child during term-time, it will be necessary to speak to the Headteacher first, and a request form completed. This can be obtained from the school office.