Our Curriculum
For more detailed information about PSHE learning in each year group, take a look at our PSHE subject overview here: PSHE and RSE at Springfield
Our vision

At Springfield, we value Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) as it supports our children in their social and emotional development as well as promoting their health and well-being. We believe that in order for our children to thrive, they need a secure understanding of how to manage their feelings and relationships and how to face challenges in their lives.
Through our PSHE curriculum, our children build the knowledge and understanding that they need to be positive citizens and to play effective role in their community. Our lessons give children an understanding of the rights and responsibilities that are part of being a good citizen, which enables them to play an active and healthy part in the life of our school, their community and the world.
We strive for our children to be informed, thoughtful and responsible individuals who are aware of their rights and responsibilities.
How we plan for and teach PSHE
We follow the Jigsaw scheme of work for PSHE, which has an integrated whole school approach. Each half term begins with a whole school assembly to introduce the theme. This is then reflected in each week’s focus value.
Each class has a weekly PSHE session to explore these themes. This subject is taught mainly with various hands on activities, discussions, debates and circle time.
Our PSHE curriculum is embedded in our whole-school ethos where we celebrate difference and values of respect, tolerance and equality.
At Springfield we aim to provide experiences that will have maximum impact on learning through developing confidence, encouraging an active role and developing good, respectful relationships. Teaching methods are designed to encourage sharing ideas as part of a group and listening and respecting the views of others.
How we evaluate learning in PSHE
The impact of our PSHE curriculum is evident in the confidence our children demonstrate when expressing their feelings and managing their friendships. Children at Springfield learn use their voice to express their emotions and to use words to solve problems. We also see the impact of this learning in our children’s engagement with their community and their care for others. The choices our children make to keep themselves safe and healthy also reflect the impact of our PSHE curriculum.